a purple sea urchin on the ocean floor

Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037 sets state-wide objectives to stop the decline of Victoria’s native plants and animals.

The plan establishes two clear goals with targets;

  • to connect all Victorians with nature – which means each citizen is actively taking part to protect the natural environment; and,
  • to ensure that Victoria’s natural environment is healthy – by protecting vulnerable and near-threatened species from becoming endangered, and conserving or re-establishing populations of critically endangered and endangered species.

A four-year implementation plan will support the delivery of the plan while the Victorian Government will work with communities, scientists, Traditional Owners and non-government investors to enhance biodiversity in Victoria.

In Victoria, the current condition of biodiversity indicates:

  • there are over 5,000 plants and 1,200 species which are native to Victoria and over a third are of conservation concern,
  • threats include habitat loss, weeds, pests animals, and changed fire and water regimes, and
  • the natural environment has been under-valued economically, though it provides enormous benefits to society.

The plan builds on work already underway to review Native Vegetation Clearing Regulations and a refresh of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, which aims to provide an effective approach to protecting biodiversity in Victoria.

The Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability welcomes this new direction for Victoria and the commitment from the Victorian Government to stop the decline of our biodiversity. The Commissioner’s five-yearly State of the Environment report will report on the progress the plan is making towards it goals and targets.

The upcoming State of the Environment report is due to be published in early 2019.

For more information on the new biodiversity plan visit: www.environment.vic.gov.au