

26 results


Major Event Review into the impact of the 2019-20 bushfires on the Victorian Regional Forest Agreements

This independent review was commissioned jointly by the Victorian and Australian governments, as Parties to the five Victorian Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) and was the first Major Event Review …

REPORT 15 DEC 2021

State of the Environment Biodiversity Update 2021 Report

Given the severity and impact of the 2019-20 black summer bushfires on Victoria’s ecosystems, this report has been prepared ahead of the next Victorian State of the Environment Report due in 2023.

REPORT 19 MAR 2019

State of the Forests 2018 Report

In 2019, three significant reports on the health of our environment, prepared by the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability, were publicly released - the State of the Environment 2018 Report,…


State of the Forests 2018 Report

State of the Forests reports are produced every five years to evaluate and report on the condition of Victoria’s forests.

REPORT 19 MAR 2019

State of the Yarra and Its Parklands 2018 Report

The State of the Yarra and its Parklands 2018 Report is the first of its kind from the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability. The State of the Environment 2018 Report provides the…

REPORT 19 MAR 2018

State of the Environment 2018 Report

The State of the Environment 2018 Report tells Victorians about the health of our environment – our land, our water, our air, and our ecosystems.

NEWS 5 JUN 2022

Explore the health of Victoria’s marine and coastal environment this World Environment Day

Week 1: Information series for the State of the Marine and Coastal Environment 2021 Report

NEWS 15 JUN 2021

Commissioner Dr Gillian Sparkes receives Queen’s Birthday 2021 Honours

Congratulations to Dr Gillian Sparkes on being awarded a Member (AM) in the General Division of the Queen’s Birthday 2021 Honours “for significant services to environmental sustainability, and to…

NEWS 16 FEB 2021

Women and girls in STEM, the planet needs you!

Listen in to this senior Victorian forum explore education and career opportunities and the challenges for girls and women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Mathematics (STEM). …

NEWS 23 JUL 2020

Victorian Land Cover Time Series Released

The release of the Victorian Land Cover Time Series on 23 July 2020 by DELWP is an important milestone for land cover information gathering and how we view, interpret and analyse Victoria’s…